Friday, April 10, 2009

Remember when....

As a little kid, I remember how exciting it was to look thru the Sears catolog, and dream about what I wanted!

Today with the internet, it is almost as good as that, instantaneously you can shop at a second's notice, and look for what ever your heart desires. Thats how I feel about being an Internet Manager, all prospective car buyers, can look night and day at anything car they desire, change the colors, add and take away equipment, and just over all do the same things, that they used to by driving around.

There is lots of ways to buy what you want, but do you really need to drive around lot to lot to try out different cars? Nope, not at all, most us have a good visual of what they want, and how much money they want to spend, then it is all down hill from there!

It is always a great day to open up an email from a customer, who might want a car, but it might be 3 months down the road, it happens, and it is not a bad thing. After all, not everyone wants to buy a car in the same day as the sales person believes they should!

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