Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Anyone want to buy a new car?

I know, this is just what every dealership is saying right now! :)

Oddly enough, we all know there is pent up demand for the cars, just take a look at any auction right now, and see some of the pricing that is going on out there. It seems the prices are all on their upswing. Make sense? Not to me either!

As the Internet Sales Manager, here at a luxury Dealership, I see the highs, and I see the lows, and you can tell when the market is at its all time 12 year low, or back on the positive side. I still get clients requesting information about a new Cadillac, or a new Hummer, and still we continue to sell each and every day. I believe in that our industry is going thru a major face lift right now, and the way of doing business is definitly changing by the moment! I think there will be a lot less dealerships at the end of all of this, and probably less brands to choose from, but we have to move forward, somehow!
Thats enough for one day :)

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