Sunday, March 1, 2009

Buying your Car across the internet!

Every day I wake up, grab my coffee, and settle in for the round of news, and check my work email for the internet leads that came in during the night. Now, if you are like most everyone else in the world you have sat home, looked up your favorite car, chose the colors, options, and then went to get your price, just to be stopped by, please fill in your information screen... What happens to that information? Let me tell you where it goes, all the sudden some idiot at 5 am gets a email lead (that would be me) and gets all excited thinking oh good...I have a fresh customer to work with! Sadly, you probably don't even know it, till you get introduction email, me asking you to verify your options and colors, and heck I even try to call you! All that just because you were just browsing!
Don't get me wrong....I like that people are actually dreaming of their new car, and that maybe sometime in the future you will get one! I just wish the marketing companies would change the screen to ask at the end of the information screen, are you just browsing or do you really want to get price? Seems so simple to me! :p

Do I think all customers should shop on the internet? You bet! I shop on the internet for my products, I research, read, google, check consumer reports, etc. Why? Im not emotional right then. I can get the right information to make a informed decision before I buy. So should you! If you send in a request for a price to a dealership, and you get the same response, I tried to call you, blah blah blah, and please call me for information, you do not have the right dealership! If you get a response from a dealership, that asks you what colors options, etc. You have the right one. Just hit reply, and give that information, and magically you should get a very competitive price! Why do I say a very competitive price, well, as a internet sales person, if I don't get your attention right away, no way are you going to even consider doing business with me! So I have one shot, to earn your trust, and business! Next time you are considering a new or preowned car, try it. You will be pleasantly surprised, as well as you might even find you can negotiate the whole deal on the internet, all the way thru, so all you have to do is go in and sign and drive away! Till next time.......

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