Sunday, March 8, 2009

Go Green?

It amazes me, how thinking back over the last few months, in the news, and politics, one item really bothers me. It seems congress, was telling the big 3 automakers, how they did not build the cars that we want to drive as consumers. How toyota and Honda are building the cars of the future. I have to agree on one small point the Prius is a great idea....why not Hybrid technology for those of us who commute each and every day.. And now the race is on for a full on Electric Car, and solor powered cars etc.....but I have to say this much, the fuel costs went down, and all the sudden you see the SUv's and trucks and big cars back out on the road. The car values are on their way back up in the market place. So tell me, are the big 3 building the cars we all want to drive?

Lets think about the Cadillac Escalade Hybrid, great SUV, definitly gets much much better gas mileage than any other SUV in its size and weight class, you would think it would be flying out of the showrooms...right? Nope....not at all. So why is that? Is it the cost? No, we still sell Escalades, basically the same price, can't be the size...we still are selling normal Escalades, so what is is? I know you can't load your family up and hook the boat up to the back of your Prius, so why not the hybrid made by GM? I'm open for comments on this one!
Here is a link to one of the 4 I have on our lot right now.....

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