Sunday, April 27, 2008


I spent the entire weekend, talking to customers, and of course now I am mentally worn out! If you think car sales is easy, try again! Especially in this rough gas, economy, almost or are we in a recession?
Needless to say, I am frustrated! What has me more frustrated than the things I cannot prevent, well, I have a near and dear friend who has a daughter, who went out, bought a car. Listened to mr I am the greatest salesman, who put her into a Ford, which is worth exactly half of what she bought it for! Now....she realizes her mistake, and wants out of it....guess is nearly impossible with out it costing her $$$ and lots of it.
What sales person would have the no common sense to put a first time buyer into a 50K mile car is beyond me! No pride in his work obviously, and only caring about todays dollar, not tomorrows long term customer! Frustrating!
I think that the schools should teach money 101 in high school. come up with a monthly salary, have the kids pay real life bills from that salary, and do all the activities from it, and who ever can save money and stay positive will pass.
Lets just face it, I did not have a clue about credit or anything else when I first started out....and did I EVER make some it is always a uphill climb to make it better!
Well that is all for tonight....
till next time :O

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